

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brothels and Cambodia (Revised)

Human trafficking is a continuous loop going from one end of the world to the other.  The loop primarily goes from Europe to North America and then Latin America.  There is not a specific route that any sex trafficker takes.  This is what makes it difficult to catch sex traffickers or find the women who are taken.  Most of the women who are taken either end up in the United States or pass through the United States.    The women end up in the United States because most poor countries believe that if they come to America, then the women and their families will be able to have a better life.  The country that is number one for the human trafficking of women is Cambodia.

Women from Cambodia who are forced into sex trafficking are more than often sent to brothels.  Brothels are basically a house of prostitution.  Women who work in brothels are forced to have sex from ten to twenty men each day/night.  If the women do not have sex with a certain amount of men, then they are beaten and are not given food.  Women who do not make the amount of money that the owner of the brothel requires, will also be beaten and not fed.  Certain women do receive more money than others.  The women who are sold for more are those who are virgins because they are less likely to have any sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS and are seen are pure.  In Cambodia brothel owners pay traffickers from 350 to 450 dollars for virgins compared to only 150 to 170 dollars for those women who are not virgins.

When a woman is put into a brothel she is responsible for a "debt" that she pays off by sleeping with a certain number of customers.  A woman who is forced into sex trafficking is responsible for paying off a debt for something they do not even want to do.  Can you believe this?  The "debt" that the women owe can be compared to taxes that are paid.  I find this ridiculous and it shows how some people just walk all over others.  It isn't fair for a woman to feel like she owes the owner of the brothel anything! If anything, he should owe her for putting her through such a traumatic experience.  It takes a woman from six months to sometimes more than a year to pay off their "debt", and then after that, the woman may make around three dollars per customer.  The women only make three dollars per customer because the owner of the brothel takes most of the money a woman actually makes.  The women live in fear so they never protest, and therefore are paid unfairly.

Hughes, Donna M., Laura J. Sporcic, Nadine Z. Mendelsohn, and Vanessa Chirgwin. "Cambodia - Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution." Cambodia - Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution. Factbook on Global Sexual Exploitation, Mar. 1995. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>.

The section of this article that I used was from the Method and Techniques of Traffickers.  This certain section of the article talks about the different aspects of the brothel business.  Women who are virgins are sold for more money because they are less likely to have a disease such as AIDS, and also that they are seen as pure.  Women have a certain debt to pay to the owner of the brothel and they are held to that debt through a contract.  This article informs you of the behind scene information that is hidden from the public.  It is a sad but true fact that most people think that women are prostitutes because they chose to be and not because the women are forced to.  This article is specific in how women are sold into brothels in Cambodia.  There is a price for every woman, and those women must pay back what the owner paid for the women.  This includes the money, what women must do, and even certain contracts.  With women being sold into sex trafficking, I did not think about brothels.  I thought that brothels were a thing of the past and that there are not many brothels around anymore.  This article shows me how brothels are run like a business.

CFO-Task Force Against Human Trafficking. 2007. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. <>.

This website shows two different pictures of human trafficking routes in the world.  The first map shows how there are destination countries and transit countries.  The transit countries are the countries that traffickers move women through to get to the destination country.  In the second map, it shows that most of the women are trafficked to North American, Western Europe and Southeast Asia.  These two maps show how there is a system to human trafficking.  There are certain places that women are sent to and then there are also destinations for the women. These maps show how there are many different routes that traffickers take to transport women.  With this many routes, it is almost impossible for a woman to be found once she is taken into sex trafficking.

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