

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cover Letter

Haley Newsome
English 1200-060
Cover Letter
Mellisa Tetterton

            The project that I revised is project two.  The first major change that I made was that I organized my blogs in a different order.  The order that I originally had my blogs was backwards.  My very last blog introduces my topic and then my blogs go from there.  I switched it around to my last blog is now the first one you see.  This gives my blogs more organization and makes it easier to read. The second major change that I made was that I went through my blogs and read it line by line and made changes that I thought were necessary.  Since project two was online, there were no comment from you that I could look at to base my changes off of, I thought that reading through it line by line would be the most productive thing to do to revise my project.
            You have been my English teacher for both semesters this year, and I think that from last semester I grew tremendously with my writing.  Last semester I had a solid B on every paper, but this semester I have been making A’s.  I guess this semester I have grown in the way I write.  What I mean by this is how I use concrete details and not as many details that are just fillers in my paper.  I can now proudly say that I can successfully write a research paper and I know that I will do well on it.  In high school I always did terrible on my papers and I think it is because they didn’t really teach me how to write.  You used examples that related to the students, which was very helpful.  You made class interesting, which make students, want to come to class and is helpful with us learning.  This semester I have also grown on being able to combine research I have found from articles and incorporate them into my papers.  This is a skill I know I will have to use later in college, and is important to know how to do.

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