

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Europe and Human Trafficking (Revised)

You know how most people want to travel the world before they die?  Well that is what my mom has always dreamed of, except she wants to visit Europe specifically.  My mom decided that since she could not go to Europe herself that she would live through her children.  I have two brothers, Hunter and Evan, and all three of us were sent to Europe at three different times with three different groups.  My dad was all for sending Hunter and Evan to Europe but when it came to me he was skeptical and argued with my mom. My dad was worried about the dangers of me going to a foreign country by myself.

Now any parent would worry about their child going off to Europe for three weeks by themselves, but I went with a group called People to People where there were four chaperones for about forty children.  My mom tried to keep my dads fear from me so that I would not worry.  One day I walk by their room and heard them talking about how my dad didn't have a good feeling about me visiting Europe for so long.  I wondered what he could be worrying about, so I looked up the dangers of going to Europe.  The first link that popped up was about how sex trafficking is an issue in Europe.  At the time I didn't really know what human trafficking was.  Once I looked it up, I could not believe how people could do that; especially to children! Human trafficking is all around the world, even in the United States, which was astonishing to me.  You would think since I live in the United States I would hear about that on the news or from someone I know.  There are several movies out there like Hostel, Memoirs of a Geisha, and Slumdog Millionaire that show you different types of human trafficking and bring the issue to the public, but these movies are not in the United States, but foreign countries. 

Human trafficking is a serious issue especially when it comes to women.  Women are the number one victim when human trafficking is involved. Most times women are sold as sex slaves and their families never hear from them again.  The State and Federal Government have different rules and ways of operating.  Federal has more money supplied to them than the State Police.  If the State and Federal Police worked together, then human trafficking could become less of a problem than it is right now.  Sex slaves are all over the world from Mexico to Europe and then even the United States. If both the Federal and State police worked together then there would be more money to help catch those who are in charge of the human trafficking and also that would double and maybe triple the amount of force that can stop the process of women being shipped from Mexico to Europe.  Of course women are not only being shipped from Mexico to Europe but also all around the world.

Below is a link that will take you to the trailer of the movie Taken.  I got this video from Youtube and it shows how one man will do anything to get his daughter back from the human trafficking in Paris.  Though this trailer does not show all of what is in the actual movie, at the very beginning it gives you facts of human trafficking such as what percentage of children are trafficked and the percent of girls who are trafficked.  You can also see how when women are sold as sex slaves some are treated horribly and get sick from such conditions.  This is a very serious issue in the world whether it is selling women for sex, women to the highest bidder for marriage, or children being used as slaves.

"Youtube - Taken Trailer." Youtube - Broadcast Yourself. 28 Feb. 2009 Web. 9 Mar.                                    2011     <>.

 This video is a trailer from the movie Taken.  This movie is about how a eighteen year old girl gets kidnapped when she goes on a trip to Europe with one of her friends.  Kim's dad (Bryan) is a retired agent and does anything that it takes to get his daughter back.  In this clip when Kim wanted to go on this trip to Europe, Bryan had a bad feeling about it and did not want her to go.  He said that it was not safe for a girl her age to be going off alone on a trip to a different country.  Kim and her friend get kidnapped once in Europe and are sold as sex slaves.  While Bryan is on a search for his daughter, he threatens people, kills people, and at the same time is being followed by the police in Paris.  In this video, I wonder why the police do not help Bryan find his daughter.  Instead, the police are chasing after Bryan and trying to stop him.

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